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Bloggers Discussion 002: A Talk With Ileane Smith from Basic Blog Tips.

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Warmly welcome at our Blogger Discussion Session, today Ileane Smith from Basic Blog Tips. Today she will be guiding you with various SEO Strategies. 

A Talk With Ileane Smith from Basic Blog Tips

Miss. Ileane Smith is a Professional Blogger and the founder of Basic Blog Tips. Her blog used to cover things related to blogging, seo, etc. The most fascinating thing about her is that she always have a point to question people for their own desire.

basic blog tips, interview with Ileane smith, Ileane Smith,

When she write, peoples listen to her. The most uncommon thing you don't know about her is that she landed in blogging in just an accidental situation. Till now she has traveled a long way in the blogging world which led her to be called The MOST INFLUENCED and PROFESSIONAL BLOGGER.

1. Hello Ileane, We are glad to have you on my blog. Would you please like to describe SEO in few words for our new friends who have just came into the SEO Industry. 

ANS: Search Engine Optimization is the practice of making your content more highly visible in search.

2. Most of the peoples are little confused with the Google Unnatural Links Penalty, would you like to some tips regarding this with some clear examples?

ANS: Lots of people feel that they can take short cuts or they want to fast track the success of their blogs. They get impatient and take risks because they think that using automated software or other tricks to create as many backlinks as possible to their blogs is a good way to get quick results.

Also Read: Interview With Millionaire SEO Expert; Neil Patel From KISSMetrics

The problem is they have no regard for the value or the relevance of auto-generated links. Google can quickly pick up on this and they will de-index your site (meaning remove it from the search engine results) when they see this type of activity. Typically Google will issue a warning in Google Webmaster Tools. It’s often referred to as “black-hat” SEO and it should be avoided at all cost.

I get lots of requests from people who ask me to remove links from comments they left on my blog. A recent request came from an SEO (that’s a person you hire to help you with SEO) working for a fabricator in the UK. Here’s a screenshot of a link removal request I got the other day:

As you can see this is a long list and it’s very time consuming for me to remove all these links but since his email was nicely worded I did it.

The reason I share this with you is just an example of how someone is wasting their money, by paying someone to do “SEO” for them by leaving comment links on an unrelated blog. Then they pay someone else to go in and clean up all of those links. Can you imagine how many other blogs owners like myself got this type of link removal request? What a waste of time, energy, bandwidth and money.

3. After the Google Penguin 2.1, people were complaining that they were losing their traffic and their ranking. Even when they didn't practice any link building techniques. Is it really possible? What do you say? 

ANS: Sure, it’s true. I’m one of those people.

4. What is the expectation for the upcoming Google Updates. Will it be even larger? 

ANS: I don’t ever try to predict anything about Google updates. It really doesn't do anyone any good unless there is a way we can play the Google lottery and I pick the winning number. My advice is to keep improving your content and continue to expand your social network so that you’re dependent on traffic from Google.

MUST CHECK: Explode Your Blog Traffic! Few Ideas That Really Work.

5. Writing short content led to Penguin penalty, is it true?

ANS: The content just needs to add value. It doesn't need to be long - just valuable. There is no point in writing a 1,000 word article when you can get the job done in 200 words. Also, keep in mind that written content is not the only way to get your message across.

A Truth You Don't Know: Do You Think You Can Survive Blogging Till 2015?

Try to integrate  YouTube videos, audio podcast, Slide Share presentations and custom images to enhance your content. You can check out my YouTube channel or my podcast to see examples of how this is done. Also I’m using tools like PicMonkey and Canva to customize the images in my blog posts.

6. Article Quality v/s SEO, which is more appropriate? 

ANS: They are one and the same. Writing quality articles that add value is a huge component of sustainable SEO.

7. If a site is using black hat link building techniques to improve their Page Rank, then would that site's PR be increased? What do you say about it? 

ANS: I’ve never seen this happen. Black hat might improve search rankings temporarily but it shouldn't raise the Page Rank of any website. Page Rank and search rankings are not the same thing. To be honest, Page Rank is not as important as it used to be and people are looking at other ranking criteria like Moz’s domain authority instead. You can read more about this on my blog. LINK BELOW.

Recommended For You: Which Matters More For Your Blog – Domain Authority or Page Rank?


  1. Amazing.. Nice Interview with the expert of blogging. keep up the great work Bishal

    1. Thanks Chirag Dodiya for your feedback. Keep visiting us for more inspirational interviews.

    2. Great and Inspirational Interview! Keep Going Bishal!

  2. Good Interview Vishal, well done. I had chat with Mrs.Ileana Smith long ago. I have gone through whole post, it is very effective, many things to learn. Keep Going and Keep writing.


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