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Say Hello! To Upcoming Google Algorithms of 2014

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It has been a quite lot of jumble and humble in the year 2013. Algorithms such as Hummingbird has already taken it's flight. Preparation for the upcoming Google Algorithms of 2014 has already been started whereas, Google is giving much credit to the blog's content and authority.

google algorithms of 2014, upcoming google algorithms, google algorithms of 2014

If you are a SEO surfer just like me then you have definitely head of the Google Algorithm - Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird. A cute algorithm who has the power to take down the authority of over 30% of the world total blogs and sites. It has been roaming around the internet since 2 years now.

Now Google and it's folks are now sharpening the claws of the animals to play an disaster role in the movie, obviously they are giving free ticket to the bloggers to enter and get their blog kicked and smashed by them.
It has been quite an eventful year in the terms of updates and new changes occurred by Google. Major changes and releases like Penguin 2.1 and the Hummingbird.

Google Algorithms 2013 - Overview

From the observation and researches we came to know that Google wants to be genuine and only provide useful contents to the readers that are not only effective but also been a great information and impact on the net. Google is helping those who are genuine and have authority by ranking them to the top. With the introduce of Hummingbird algorithm it has been an effective ranking scale.

Google hummingbird affected 90% of the search traffic which Google implemented a few months back, and the most critical thing is that, it was totally a surprise as no one knows about that. The main reason that SEOs didn't get noticed about this algorithm as it was probably the biggest thing/change which happened in the history of long-tail search queries.

Upcoming Google Algorithms of 2014 - Impacts

Google algorithms of 2014 will be really like a horror movie. Ranking and SEOs seem to have a difficult time figuring out what works, Thanks to Google for introducing the hummingbird algorithm to give accuracy in the search term also know as search engine rank listing.

Till now you might be thinking that the year 2013, might be called as the "Year of the Google Algorithms" as major updates has been analyze to occur throughout the year. You might be familiar with the algorithm that it has negatively impacted on the websites, causing traffic and ranking plummet.

How To Take Benefit of Google Algorithms of 2014

The game of Google is really tough to be a winner this time as it's rolling more viral now with new changes. Here you could either survive or end up with 543 Page of Google search. Now the thing which matters a lot at this moment is that How to take benefit of the Google algorithms of 2014? If you want to know about these strategies then follow the guides which I have provided below.

Content is still a main factor:

When it comes about authority and SEO, content is still the main factor to rule over searches. In order to dominate Google you need to have more than a few great articles. Google now finding a way to reach the companies and websites which are providing robust content marketing. And it can play a vital role to improve your efforts.

How a site can get a good standing in Google:

1. Have useful resources and contents for the targeted audience.

2. Have social signals from regular engagements.

3. Have backlinks from high authority sites.

4. Freshness is still an major role in order to get higher ranking.

You might be already familiar with these strategies but it would work great even after 20 years from now.
If you already haven't started content marketing yet then you should try it.

5 Most Important SEO Strategy To Know

1. Social Media is playing a great role: Don't neg-late the social medias as they are playing a great and probably the most important role behind your traffic and too your search ranking. Researches shows that a site which has more social signals (Likes, Shares, Tweets, etc) has higher ranking in the search engines.

2. Google+ SEO: Google+ is playing another significance role towards SEO, It shows that those sites which has Google Authorship established with its content, and have higher amount of +1's are getting effective SEO. Through now, Google Authorship is being a really tough as Google has started to take down sites using inappropriate contents and using any kind of black hat strategy.

3. Guest Blogging will be still Most Effective Tactics: Guest blogging which was exploded past few years remain the same for more than 20 years from me. It's now a very important matter to know that, now you need to give higher efforts that you do in your blog's SEO or anything else.

4. No-index the low quality contents: One of the most important factor you should know is that you need to give "no-index" tag to the low quality contents that have been published in your blog few months/years ago.

5. Give importance to Quality than Keyword: A common mistake that most bloggers do is, they usually focus much on the keywords. But at this moment keyword is no more an important factor than your writing quality.

Last words

Well, as Google has termed last summer that no need to worry about those of that low quality contents as they are there to handle them. Most important throughout it that how much articles you are able to publish a month, is it 30 or 50 or 90 or 200. It's depended. If you are able to provide 2-3 articles on daily to your readers then you can be sure that you are just a few steps for your domination of Google.

In the next article I would try to write an article about domination of Google through some effective strategies. If you have any issues or any problem regarding anything then feel free to ask by commenting below. I would be really glad to hear from you.

Peace and Happy Blogging :)


  1. Very nice post Bishal :)

    Every blogger should keep updated with the latest algorithms by Google to hold good SERP. Yeah, hummingbird algorithm is really good and I heard from many bloggers that their blog were affected by this algorithm due to extensive or irrelevant usage of keywords.

    I feel good that i used to concentrate more on the quality of blog posts than keywords as you told.

    Thank for writing and sharing this indeed post for the bloggers.

    1. It's my pleasure. And I am really honored to see you here, thanks for the great feedback.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. hey bishal nice article...
    i just ask u one question.
    in this article u wrote the"Content is still a main factor",so my question is
    how can i research on any subject or any article for my blog.
    To write a unique article??
    whats the flow??

  4. Great Article Bishal. This year I would me mainly focusing on social media marketing than others. Google+ has always been tough for me, i will try to improve it. Thanks.


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