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30 Days To Build A Successful Blog in 2014

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Blogging is all about sharing and gaining. Bloggers may have their own reason behind blogging. Some want to learn more through blogging whereas some want to inspire others. But without any earning/income will you be able to blog for long?

build a successful blog, build a successful blog in 2014, successful blog in 2014

This article is all about a part of the series, 30 Days To Build A Successful Blog in 2014, it's a series of Building a successful blog.

Preface To 30 Days to Build A Successful Blog

There are probably thousands of blogger who think that getting started with blogging is really hard and complicated but it's not. Rather it's easy like 1,2,3,4,5,6. Whereas by focusing on a blog and to take it to the next level which can get updated daily is probably little tough.

I just want to make sure that the readers who are reading this article is getting the depth of knowledge. As I have covered a lot (Probably not here, but in my other blogs) of topics whether it is SEO, Blogging, Google etc.

New bloggers might be wondered that how the pro-bloggers got the name Pro (Professional). It is just a silly think or yet another trick. But the bloggers whom we call Pro is actually not only brilliant in blogging but also really good from their heart.

What actually professional bloggers do?

1. Speak their mind.

2. Share their expertise and experience with all.

3. Make money or do business from their blog itself.

When you are doing anything professionally, it generally means getting paid, and professional blogging is no difference. Whether you want to earn your living with your blog or simply enough to pay for the family tour or a college education, you just want to know that how to make money with your professional blog.

Difference between a Personal and Professional Blogger

You are willing to know at this moment that what is the difference between a professional and a personal blogger.

Personal bloggers have stories and experiences to share with their readers and may fall fall into making a little money along the way, but it doesn't start out that way.

Professional bloggers have a business objective for their blog, and they develop a plan to achieve it.
Think 1 Minute (You could also take 24 Hours), Can you be successful with a blog without a clear plan?

Sure, but probably it's not that much easy than having a well developed plan (I mean a strategy).

Let's say Tech Crunch, earlier it was a blog that began by reviewing new internet ventures/products and companies and has since grown into a network of technology sites about content and new media; however, hundreds of abandoned blogs never get past a few readers.

Even a lucky accident in your blog stats can't give a long term success.

30 Days to Build A Successful Blog

As far now, we came to know the differences and meet with the preface. Now let us extend our thoughts with the guide.

[ First 15 Days]

1. Write More And More Contents Daily.

2. Have a proper schedule and timing of your posting frequency. (MUST)

3. Select/Design A Great Theme For Your Blog. Then customize it.

4. Do proper Keyword Researching (for instance, If your blog is about blogging then you can use the following keywords: how to blog, blogging strategies, blogging tips).

5. Keep writing creative things. Haul others blog and check the most trended articles from there.
Accordingly write about them.

6. Do Guest Posting on at-least 10 blogs. (Target High PR and High DA Blogs).

7. You are still new, Learn more and more.

8. Comment on others blog to get response from the blog owner to make little friendship with them and build up backlinks.

9. Search for your competitors (Search for the similar websites i.e: if your blog has a rank of 14,735,827 then search for the blogs which has 242,572 or similar rank). Always staying around competitors gives best results.

10. Most Important! Keep Writing...and on.

[Next 10 Days]

1. Still, focus on your writing (No other options to make you blog viral than writing articles).

2. Make up a Community of Bloggers and engage with other bloggers. Always try to be in surround of the bloggers, Send them friend requests and always stay in touch with them as they are the one who can be the reason behind your success.

3. Create a Professional About Us/Me Page (But don't overlook it, keep it simple, yet professional) and also contact pages etc.

4. Use Internal Links in your post and also give a backlink to your Competitors. Yes, you should give. Why? I would discover it to you pretty soon.

5. Create a Twitter Landing page also claim your blog on Technorati. If possible also join Blog Engage, the largest community of bloggers (Going to Giveaway about it soon).

6. Write down an article which tells your readers that - How Blogging Can Benefit Them.

7. Don't hide any links in your blog post (it's illegal).

8. Keep in mind to reply all the comments in your blog so that it tells that you are really taking care of them.

9. Write a Post series in your blog, It would go viral. Trust me!

10. Analyze your blog competitors more and more to take them down (Obviously I am talking about to go ahead of them).

11. Have 4-5 authors in your blog to tell that your blog is popular.

[Last 5 days]

Well it's the last 5 days of the month. But not yet the end.

1. If possible by 30 days organize a giveaway (Whether it is a logo giveaway, product etc) to get your blog promoted by the peoples/readers.

2. Take full advantage of the search engines by optimizing your article's SEO. Always include your keywords at the title. E.g: [keyword (followed by attractive things)].

3. After you have written almost 25 posts now time for Social Promotion. Yes, I know that we should promote regularly but it's better to promote once you get encouragements from your readers and see that it's going viral. (You may also promote from the starting, No worries).

4. Well! Keep Writing.

5. Must have, Facebook Fan Page, Twitter Profile, G+ Profile/Fan Page, Pinterst Board, StumbleUpon account. So that your blog could get effective referral promotions and social promotions.

Last Words

Well, Here we end this guide...But no worries, You would surely see change in your Alexa, Where as in your daily stats. From 0 it may be now either 500 or more.

Isn't it pretty cool? Yes, it is. These are all the strategies which I personally perform in all my blogs to get my contents viral.

If I missed any points then feel free to notify me through comment. And yet, don't think that as I mentioned in the title "30 Days to Build A Successful Blog" you would get success in one month. Here I have mentioned the steps and it's now depended upon you. If you do hard work and perform these strategies then Success is just one step ahead of you.

I would be really glad if you could comment and say your feedback for this article. Peace and Happy Blogging :)


  1. Bro ,i bet this is one of the best transparent tutorial i crossed in 2013 !cheers ,i'm going to follow that from today ! Give me some suggestions on my blog

    1. Well, I guess you pretty much liked this article. Thanks for your feedback and best of luck for your success. Keep visiting my blog to learn new and more innovative strategies.

  2. tthanks so much for share

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Keep visiting my blog.

  3. Thanks Bishal .. for sharing these informative tips with us...

  4. If these tips are used practically by any blogger, then he/she surely will gain traffic. It's a great post. Keep writing such great post.

    1. Yes, 100% to the point what I want to tell. Great, and thanks for the feedback :)

  5. Bro Bishal Biswas is in serious business this time as we can see, no bullsh..for 2014 man,
    Nice blog, wonderful contents!!


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