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How To Make Your Blog Go Viral With Just 2 Posts?

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Sounds really trick, isn't it. But have you ever thought of that if a website which is like a desert with no water would you like that? But through in deserts if you find a little amount of water then you would be rather happy than a just empty desert.

make your blog go viral, blog go viral, bishal biswas

Well, here I have explained by a little yet a good example of a website having no articles. Would you then like to visit that website once or twice a day? No. Here in this article I would be going to explain you a great formula to make your blog go viral with just 2 posts.

Also Read: Top 20 Inspirational Bloggers To Follow In 2014

Now you might be thinking why only two posts not three, four, but here I have kept it short and a great strategy by which you could make your blog go viral.

Make Your Blog Go Viral - Strategies

Let me tell you a short story of my past 8 days. Yes I know that you know I have started this blog 8 days ago. But the popularity I got through this blog is undoubtedly great. It was just a little experiment that I performed which got immense viral.

Now what's this word, Viral? Viral meaning the popularity the article/content is getting and with which frequency the article is spreading. Is it just my own local share, or country wise or internationally it is getting mass volume of shares. All this is termed as viral.

Now the question arise that How to Make Your Blog Go Viral with just 2 posts. Isn't it. Yes. So, let us now extend our thoughts and learn some great strategies to make your blog go viral.

1. Writing the first article:

If your blog is totally new then good and if your blog is already having 20,30,40, on posts then also no worries. Let's open the chapter of 2014 and let us start through beginning.

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Now when you are writing the first article you should question yourself the following:

1. For whom I am writing and what will I get if I write that article?

2. Is this informative for the readers who is going to read that article?

3. With that article can I gain popularity?

4. Is it enough to satisfy the readers need?

5. Is the article meets the blog's requirement and is it of that niche?

Now after answering yourself, now different person will have different point of view.

When you are writing the first article you should keep in mind that would it really go viral if you write that article. And then, write the article to satisfy the readers. Forget all about stats, ranking, PR, Google rank. Just keep in mind that the main thing now for you is to satisfy your readers. Remember the following:

Good Content + Effective Promotion = Success.

So now when you have written the article then publish it and then let's move ahead to promotion.
Social Promotion is a necessary thing which is essential to get more expose. Target for 15 group in Facebook for the first time promotion. Don't simply join the groups but first examine that will it give you any benefit if you post a link of your blog there?

How To Check? Most of the active groups has members joined in high quantity suppose, 9000, 15000, 20000 and some also contain 18000000 members. Isn't really fascinating and you should know that Facebook is a social media which approx get over hundreds of million visitors on daily basis. So just a correct strategy can make your blog go viral. Okay, doubts still now not cleared.

Think if you can drive just 0.15% of Facebook's traffic then think how much effective it can make your blog's traffic scale.

2. Writing the second article

Now, I think by now if you have followed the correct strategy which I told above then I am sure that till now you have drive over 500 visitors or even more (it's depended upon your strategy). Now after the first article it's time to write the second article.

Conditions are same as of the first one. Always try to spend at least 59 seconds behind those questions and for their answer. So now, after writing the article perform the following strategies.

1. Get yourself registered in 5-10 social bookmarking sites and bookmark your site there.

2. Ask 5-10 of your friends to share the article with their friends. (It's not wrong just you are telling them to share).

3. Promote again your article in the social media like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.

4. Always use hastag (#) before your main and attractive keyword. (FB, Twitter, G+).

5. IF possible, Do an advertising in either Google Adwords or Facebook. (Not Essential but It's a Mass Promotion).

6. Promote your website in High Authority Forums.

7. Do guest post on 10 sites of your niche.

After all done, I think you will surely be able to drive enough traffic within 2 days.

Last Words

So keep applying the strategies and I am sure that you will succeed to make your blog go viral. These are some essential steps.

Yesterday, you might be aware that I have discussed about How To Build a Successful Blog in 30 Days. There I have shared a lot of my experiences and some great strategies you must check it.

Peace and Happy Blogging :)


  1. Thanks For The Article ... Love Your Way Of Writing .. I'm Going to Start a New Blog and Your Tips Will Surely Help Me ... Guy One Thing That I want Some Suggestions For Domain Name ... So Waiting For Your Response ... And Thanks Again For The Article :D
    Warm Regards,
    Abdul Samad @

    1. First of all thanks for your feedback secondly I would like to know what you would be serving to your readers (i.e: Blogging tips) in your new blog so that I could suggest you some great URL for it.

  2. Hi Bishal Biswas Some One Copied Your This Article

  3. Great post. Awesome ideas with which one can step on his/her blogging career. It is most important to write a quality and meaningful post and then market it. Thanks for these blogging tips. Keep writing such great content.


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